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SANDOVAL x Simple Shui Series : Hello Palo!

SANDOVAL x Simple Shui: PALO SANTO!  Our latest installment with Simple Shui's Amanda Gibby Peters explores our Peruvian Palo Santo Aromatic Incense. Check out our tips for harnessing all the vibes from these beauties!...

SANDOVAL x Simple Shui:


 Our latest installment with Simple Shui's Amanda Gibby Peters explores our Peruvian Palo Santo Aromatic Incense. Check out our tips for harnessing all the vibes from these beauties!


All the new things coming in this season….

palo santo aromatic incense amber glass jar printed with gold and palo santo natural incense cones scanned with magnolia leaves


Here we are, nestled now inside the new year – with the Lunar New Year (February 10th) right around the corner. So, if you feel 2023 is still lingering in the air and you’ve got goals dazzling your mind (but you could use a little dutiful motivation), do I know just the helper.

Meet: Palo Santo

I’ve been working with this for over a decade now, so I need to gush for (more than) a minute:

1: Its smoke is lusciously dense.

2: Its fragrance is quite pleasant and people-pleasing.

Note: if you like citrus, mint and pine, you’re destined to fall in LOVE with its divine profile.

3: Its cleansing powers mop up negative energy and instill a new layer of protection in its place.

Translation: those unwanted thoughts, feelings, experiences don’t have the same quick access to you, so you have the ability to concentrate on what does matter to you!

4: Like many smoky medicines, Palo Santo creates a line to the divine.

Tip: work with it when you need to channel the muses, feel more present-minded, or creatively motivated.

5: Could you use a little luck in your corner? Palo Santo is plenty capable of delivering the kind of yang chi that makes its arrival possible!

Note: in my experience, it seems to work with everyone just a little differently, which is why I LOVE it as part of a personal ritual.

6: Everything you need arrives in one aesthetically perfect jar.

What I LOVE: you can keep this out and it looks oh-so chic! also, BEST GIFT EVER, so buy one for you, another for someone you LOVE!

7: The burn time is 20+ minutes.

What I LOVE: you can use this as a timer – you know, to journal, focus on what you want to accomplish, set intentions, or meditate until its burn extinguishes. GENIUS, I KNOW!


palo santo aromatic incense in amber glass jar on the cliffs in Malibu California

MICHAEL'S RITUAL To harness these New energies… 

At the full moon cycle or the start of a lunar new year I like to take some time for a little ritual. This one helps me set some goals, and manifest some intentions. It also allows me find the space to consciously let go of things that are no longer working.

-A Fresh Start!

1. Set the stage.

-Find a quiet and calm space

-Gather some personal keepsakes or momentos that you connect with- good luck charms, your favorite crystals

2. Take a momet to think about what intentions you are setting forth. Really connect to these- I like to focus more on personal growth and spiritual growth than on monetary and transactional success.

-Give this process some real intention, think about the things that you know deep within yourself.

-Keep it positive. We can frame release and moving forward as positive movements.

3. Write these things out on the piece of paper. They can be clearly written or chicken scratch- It's up to you, since these are your messages!

4. Next, I take the piece of paper and fold it, accordian style. With each fold I think or say out loud my intentions. When I reach the end of the paper, I write the most important message on the blank area that is exposed. Then, I fold the paper in half, like a fan.

5. Light a cone of PALO SANTO... Breathe it in, waft it around yourself, your crown shakra

-In one hand hold the Palo Santo on a safe burning vessel.

-In the other hand hold your 'intention fan'

-Then, begin wafting the smoke of the cone towards the North, South, East and West.

-Pushing these intentions out into the Universe

-Waft the smoke of the incense towards the cardinal directions- sending the smoke of the incense, powered by the writings, in all directions, saying them out loud or speaking them silently-with intention.

6. Next full moon, I take the intention fan outside and burn it, marking the end of a chapter of growth, ready for the next!

I start the process over again, and start a new cycle...

PS These cones are mighty powerful, so be ready for a full on smoke/clear out. You might need to open a window to let the billows of smoke carry those old energies out of your space.


Be sure to follow Simple Shui here and subscribe to Amanda's newsletter and check out her blog .

Take a deeper dive into Amanda's practical and impactful Feng Shui practices in her book Simple Shui for Everyday!

 simple shui for everyday book by amanda gibby peters 


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