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SANDOVAL x Amy Loren Jones : Set the Space with SACRED + CLEAR

Thrilled to get into the pre-fall mode with a dear friend of mine, Amy Loren Jones. She and I have worked and friended together for the last 20 years, collaborating on of...

SANDOVAL x Amy Loren Jones:

Setting the Space with SACRED+CLEAR

Thrilled to get into the pre-fall mode with a dear friend of mine, Amy Loren Jones. She and I have worked and friended together for the last 20 years, collaborating on of lots of beautiful creative projects. 
Amy developed practices in yoga and meditation over the last few years, with a grounded , down to earth approach that really resonates with me. It's awesome we've been able to come together in this new space. Amy developed a regular meditation practice a few years ago, on IG and I was hooked. Simple, practical  meditations that got me through the week. They were the best 15 minutes I spent all week -they got me through, got me up and got me going! ( Check out the links below... )
As we approach a new season and our Supermoon in Aquarius is coming up, I wanted to share some of Amy's reflections and tips for using SACRED and CLEAR Aromatic Incense to create a space for your meditation, yoga or zone out sesh!

According to the Algonquin Nation- this Sturgeon Moon is an opportunity for abundance, wisdom and transformation- So harness this Full Super Moon, to close out Leo Season and step forward....Use these tools to Get Centered this Super-Full Moon August 19th! 


Implementing ritual, with a touch of ceremony, invites a sense of sacred time and place. Coming to meditation with consistency and curiosity will provide the grounds for a lasting and beneficial meditation practice. Creating sacred space is one way to make your meditation practice everything you need it to be.

A great jumping off point to create your sacred space and begin your new meditation ritual will be this coming full moon falling on August 19  which will also be a supermoon which looks larger and brighter than other full moons. If things feel influx during this full moon, meditation can help you make the most of that energy, helping you to keep your heart open to change.

The burning of incense marks the beginning of my meditation practice...

This is one ritual that immediately brings me to a sacred place both internally and externally. Starting with your physical space is key to a comfortable meditation.

  • It's an invitation to drop into the present moment, beginning with my senses first.
  • It ignites an immediate remembrance of a deeper part of myself.
  • The burning of my SANDOVAL Aromatic Incense creates ceremony around meditation, which makes it all the more enticing to sit each time.
  • The clearing scent of Sandoval’s SACRED burns and I experience a subtle softening internally. Where would I go when I can be here now?
clear aromatic powdered incense desert sage Taos New Mexico organic french lavender natural incense

I've since learned to add a small sprinkling of Clear, a gorgeous blend of pure meditation magic including French lavender and purple sage from the deserts of New Mexico. If you know me, you know how much I live for the energy of the desert. (I may have been a lizard in another lifetime). 

Burning Sandoval incense helps me to feel as if I am burning up whatever is not serving me at the moment.  I find this ritual soothing and comforting. The smoke swirls and cleanses me and the sacred space that I am in.

Creating your own sacred space for meditation is truly personal, but I recommend the following as a good place to start...

  1. Claim your space! Design a comfortable and cozy corner just for you. Make it your own with a special cushion and blankets.
  2. Build a small altar nearby with a few treasured items such as a candle, crystals, talismans, trinkets that remind you of your loved ones or ancestors, and of course a vessel for burning your Sandoval incense.
  3. Always keep a journal and something to write with handy to record any thoughts, emotions or sensations that arise during your meditation. This journal is a gift you will be grateful to revisit down the line as your practice evolves.

Jump over to Amy's blog to go deeper and do a quick meditation.....

Michael's Tips...

These beauties, SACRED and CLEAR are my faves. I use them to inject a little punch into my timeline. 

  • To clear
  • To begin
  • To finalize
  • To set the stage
  • I love to light a mound of SACRED, let it burn for a sec, then waft it out. After it's a cherry I sprinkle a pinch or two of CLEAR on top of the cherry, and it takes it to the next level!
  • Before meditation, I light up and waft the clean, white smoke around the area I'll be meditating in. Wafting the smoke in the cardinal directions , around my spot, I think about what I'm looking to manifest or what I'm looking to release. 
  • I generally do a quick 7 Shakra cleanse chant, which is a similar amount of time it takes my little incense mound to burn through. 
  • After my meditation, I sometimes light another mound of SACRED with a little CELAR, to carry that practice forward into the rest of my day. 

Spaces to do any practice in are objective, and can be anywhere you want or need them to be! I don't always have the luxury of taking an hour out of my day, so a quick set up and quick meditation on the sofa, or even at my desk- Yes at my desk! lol -Before I get my work going, I light a mound of SACRED + CLEAR to get my work vibes on. I set clear intentions and enter the work process with joy, instead of resenting the work. This touch of incense ritual at the beginning of my work session makes ALL the difference -It's a way of  turning the work into a conscious practice, joyful practice- just like a meditation.

We're able to transform the way we feel, the way we react and the way we proceed in our daily lives. SACRED + CLEAR are just two tools I use daily to accomplish that!


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Vaild Until 8/24/24


Amy Loren Jones



*Checkout Amy's Meditations- Simple, effective and reinvigorating...


Enjoy a special discount for Amy's Fall Monthly Meditation Satsang on the 3 Class Bundle USE CODE: SACRED20 From now to September 15.

First online gathering begins on September 18!

Plus, IT'S BACK!  IG LIVE Morning Meditation!  Beginning Mondays, September 9th at 8:30AM PST. Follow  @butterflyanddog on IG to stay informed.
*For more ways to connect with Amy:  Sign up for monthly Love Notes including meditation resources and information on upcoming classes and events. Subscribe to "A Loving Heart" on Substack for meaningful ways to cultivate more joy in everyday life. And....for recorded guided meditations, please follow and listen to  Amy Loren Jones on Insight Timer.


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